91.IntelliJ IDEA lets you jump from your check-in comment to an issue in your task tracker. All you have to do is to define issue navigation patterns in the Settings | Version Control | Issue Navigation dialog:
在IntelliJ IDEA中,你可以通过在检入注释中嵌入链接的方式,快速的跳转到任务跟踪器。
做法很简单,通过以下菜单路径打开问题导航编辑对话框,定义好一个正则表达式,它将供IntelliJ IDEA 识别你的注释中用于标注问题id的部分。
设置 | 版本控制 | 问题导航
When you commit a changelist, and type the check-in comment, make sure it matches one of your issue navigation patterns. Later, when you browse through the changelists in the repository, such comments turn into hyperlinks:
Clicking a hyperlink brings you directly to an issue in your task tracker.
92.IntelliJ IDEA simplifies your work with colors in CSS files. The color properties have the icons of the corresponding color in the left gutter area of the editor. Click color icons to choose the desired color from the color picker.
IntelliJ IDEA 显著地简化了你在CSS文件中设定颜色的工作。每一种css颜色编码都会将其对应的色彩以色块图标的形式,显示在编辑器左侧的沟带区域中。
93.IntelliJ IDEA helps create test cases directly from class declaration. With the caret at the class name in the editor, press Alt+Enter, and choose Create Test from the suggestion list:
IntelliJ IDEA支持在声明类的同时,直接建立该类的测试用例。
在编辑器中,当光标对齐到类名时,你可以键入Alt+Enter,调用系统的自动补齐功能,从而唤出建议列表,从中选择Create Test即可
94.You can easily make column selection by dragging your mouse pointer while keeping the Alt key pressed.
95.You don't need to guess which index.html file you are looking at... Make the editor tabs and lines in navigation lists stand out using the File Colors page of the project settings.
96.If nothing is selected in the editor, and you press Ctrl+C, then the whole line at caret is copied to the clipboard.
97.You can move any file to a changelist of your choice. To do that, just choose Move to Another Changelist on the file context menu in the Changes tool window:
98.Keep your source code typo-free with the help of the built-in Spellchecker. All texts, including comments, textual strings and literals, are inspected against the pre-defined dictionaries. All typos are highlighted, which leaves you with the task of choosing the correct word, accepting the current spelling, or disabling inspection. Use Alt+Enter to see the list of available actions.
99.If you lack words in the pre-defined dictionaries, you can create your own ones. A custom dictionary is a mere textual file with a .dic extension, with each word starting on a new line. All you have to do is to point to the directories where your dictionaries are stored, in the Spelling of the Settings dialog.
100.All your most indispensable VCS commands are just one-click away... Choose VCS | VCS Operations Popup on the main menu, and get a popup with the VCS commands that are relevant to the current context:
选择主菜单的 VCS | VCS Operations Popup,在随即弹出的窗口中,所有与当前工作状态紧密相关的VCS命令都列了出来
101.Use the Switcher (Ctrl+Tab) to switch between open files and tool windows. Keeping Ctrl pressed, use the Up and Down arrow keys, Tab or Shift+Tab, Alt for navigation; use Delete or BackSpace to close editor tab or hide a tool window.
在切换器中进行导航操作的方法是:按住Ctrl不放,再敲击上/下方向键,或者Tab/Shift+Tab 键,或者Alt键,以上三者均可。
102.You can easily open an external file for editing, if you just drag it from the Explorer or Finder to the editor.
103.There are two ways of closing all tabs in the editor, except the current one: • First, right-click the editor tab, and choose Close Others on the context menu. • Second, keeping the Alt key pressed, click on the editor tab.
• 第一种,右键单击编辑窗口的Tab,从弹出菜单中选择关闭其他
• 第二种,按下Alt键,单击编辑窗口Tab的X图标
104.You can jump directly to any deeply buried file, if you press Ctrl+Shift+N, and type just a couple of characters of the enclosing directories and file names:
105.To open any class or file in the editor at the desired line, press Ctrl+Shift+N (Navigate | File), start typing the name, and choose the one from the suggestion list. Then type the colon (:) and a line number. The selected file will open with the caret at the specified line.
按住Ctrl+Shift+N(导航 | 文件),录入文件名字,随即从建议列表中选择一个文件。接下来继续输入一个:号,最后输入行号。
106.Version control annotations show the latest changes of each line in one click. Just right-click an annotation and use the Show Diff command in the context menu.